This is a past course that has already concluded. If you are looking for a current course, please click here.
Welcome to Discrete Mathematical Reasoning! For course info and policies, please see the syllabus below. For grades, log into Moodle. If you need help or have questions, please contact Prof. Wright.
Prof. Wright's drop-in hours: typically Mon. 11am–noon, Tues. 2–3pm, Wed. 9–10am, and Fri. 10–11am in RMS 405. Check Google Calendar for up-to-date availability, or email to schedule an appointment.
September 8
- Complete the Introductory Survey, if you haven't done so already.
- Read the Syllabus (via the tab above), paying special attention to the learning objectives and grading information.
- Read Chapter 1 in the textbook and begin Homework 1, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 2.1 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. The preview exercises are due at the beginning of the next class session!
- Review the problems and solutions from class (posted above).
- Finish Homework 1, which is due on Thursday. Submit your solutions to the Homework 1 assignment on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 2, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Sections 2.2 and 2.3 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. The preview exercises are due at the beginning of the next class session!
- Review the problems and solutions from class (posted above).
- Finish Homework 2, which is due on Tuesday. Submit your solutions to the Homework 2 assignment on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 3, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 3.1 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. The preview exercises are due at the beginning of the next class session!
Bonus video: John Urschel-NFL Math Whiz
- Review the problems and solutions from class (posted above).
- Finish Homework 3, which is due on Thursday. Submit your solutions to the Homework 3 assignment on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 4, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Section 3.2 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. The preview exercises are due at the beginning of the next class session!
- Review conditional statements and truth tables from Chapter 1. Thursday's class will be our first quiz day: quizzes will be on learning objectives L1 and L2 (see the syllabus).
- Review the problems and solutions from class (posted above).
- Finish Homework 4, which is due on Tuesday. Submit your solutions to the Homework 4 assignment on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 5, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 4.1 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
Bonus videos: Satyan Devadoss — Blue Collar Mathematics and Mage Merlin's Unsolved Mathematical Mysteries
MSCS Tailgate Party: Wednesday, September 28, 4:30–6:30pm in Tomson 280 (masks required) and outside
- Review the problems and solutions from class. Read Section 4.2 in the text.
- Finish Homework 5, which is due on Thursday. Submit your solutions to the Homework 5 assignment on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 6, which is due next Tuesday. Especially for this homework, it is highly recommended to start early and ask questions!
- Read Section 4.3 in the text and complete the preview exercises. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 6, which is due on Tuesday. Submit your solutions to the Homework 6 assignment on Moodle.
- Begin Homework 7, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Sections 4.4 and 4.5 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
Bonus video: Eugenia Cheng on The Late Show
Oct. 4: Math Across the Cannon featuring Satyan Devadoss colloquium 3:30pm at Carleton; public lecture 7pm in Viking Theater. Attend any part of Math Across the Cannon and complete this form to earn an extra quiz re-take.
- If you want to re-take any quizzes on Thursday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Wednesday.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 7, which is due on Thursday.
- Begin Homework 8, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Section 5.1 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 8, which is due on Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 9, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 5.2 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
Bonus: video How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking - with Jordan Ellenberg and article The Psychology of Statistics by Jordan Ellenberg
- Check your current quiz scores on Moodle. If you want to re-take any quizzes on Thursday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Wednesday.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 9, which is due on Thursday.
- Begin Homework 10, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 5.5 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- Review the problems and solutions from class. Also read Section 5.6 in the text for more examples and discussion about recursive sequences.
- Finish Homework 10, which is due next Thursday.
- Begin Homework 11, which is due on Tuesday, Oct. 25.
- Read Section 6.1 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
Two opportunities to earn extra quiz retakes:
MSCS Colloquium: "Gerrymandering and the Attainment of Impossible Electoral Results" by Prof. Steve McKelvey; Friday, October 21, 3:30pm in RNS 310
MSCS Colloquium: "Painful Regressions: Probability and Statistics in Clinical Medicine and Pain Management" by Dr. Akshar Rambachan '12 MD, MPH; Monday, October 24, 3:30pm in RNS 310
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 11, which is due on Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 12, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 6.2 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- If you want to re-take any previous quiz on Tuesday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Monday.
Bonus video: Moon Duchin: "Political Geometry" and DistrictR
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 12, which is due on Thursday.
- Begin Homework 13, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Sections 9.1 and 9.2 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
October 27
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 13, which is due on Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 14, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 9.3 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- If you want to re-take any previous quiz on Tuesday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Monday.
Bonus: Federico Ardila on Math, Music and the Space of Possibilities
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 14, which is due on Thursday.
- Begin Homework 15, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Sections 9.4 and 9.5 (through page 450) in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
November 3
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 15, which is due on Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 16, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Sections 9.5 and 9.6 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- If you want to re-take any previous quiz on Tuesday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Monday.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 16, which is due on Thursday.
- Begin Homework 17, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Sections 7.1 and 7.2 (through page 312) in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
Bonus: Susan D'Agostino book and interview
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 17, which is due on Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 18, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Sections 7.2 (from page 312) and 7.3 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- If you want to re-take any previous quiz on Tuesday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Monday.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 18, which is due on Thursday.
- Begin Homework 19, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Section 7.4 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
Bonus video: Yitang Zhang: An Unlikely Math Star Rises
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 19, which is due on Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 20, which is due on Tuesday, November 29.
- Read this chapter on Big-O notation (on Moodle) and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- If you want to re-take any previous quiz on Tuesday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Monday.
Bonus: Why is Mathematics Useful — Robert Ghrist, and Prof Ghrist Math on YouTube
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 20, which is due next Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 21, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Sections 8.1 and 8.2 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
Bonus video: Christmas Lectures 2019: How to Get Lucky — Hannah Fry
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 21, which is due Thursday.
- Begin Homework 22, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Section 8.3 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- Review your current grades on Moodle and consider which quizzes you would like to re-take. If you want to re-take any previous quiz on Thursday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Wednesday. Note that the last day to re-take quizzes will be Friday, Dec. 16.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 22, which is due Tuesday.
- Begin Homework 23, which is due next Thursday.
- Read Section 8.4 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
December 6
Bonus video: Francis Su — Mathematics for Human Flourishing
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 23, which is due Thursday.
- Begin Homework 24, which is due next Tuesday.
- Read Section 8.5 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- Review your current grades on Moodle and consider which quizzes you would like to re-take. If you want to re-take any previous quiz on Thursday, indicate which ones on this form by 5pm Wednesday. Note that the last day to re-take quizzes will be Friday, Dec. 16.
- Review the problems and solutions from class.
- Finish Homework 24, which is due on Tuesday.
- Read Section 10.1 in the textbook and complete the preview exercises, distributed in class. Bring your completed preview exercises to the next class.
- If you want to re-take any previous quiz, email the professor to schedule a time. (Office hours on Friday, Dec. 9 will be 1-3pm.) Note that the last day to re-take quizzes will be Friday, Dec. 16.
Bonus: Living Proof: Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey
December 17